The Key to Effective Evangelism

The most important reason the first century church was effective in personal and mass evangelism was because they had such a positive witness as a local body of believers in their community.

The same is true today about a church.  If a church has a negative witness in their community, they will have no credibility to do ministry and evangelism.  However, when a church has a positive witness, unbelievers will see that Christ makes a difference.

There are six biblical characteristics that make up this witness.   In the September blog, I gave you the two foundational characteristics.  I want to review these and give you four more characteristics.

When the world looks at your church, they should see…

1)  People who have a sacrificial love for one another (John 13:34-35; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7).  This kind of love is expressed in our attitude and actions.  As Jesus said, it is treating others the way you would want to be treated (Matthew 7:12).

The Contrast Today.  People see churches that are very unloving toward one another.  They see professing Christians treating each other worse than unbelievers would treat them.

2)  People who are united in thought, purpose, and direction (John 17:20-23).  Jesus said that when the world sees unity, they will know you belong to Him.

The Contrast Today.  People see churches constantly fighting one another, criticizing, and slandering one another.  People see leaders lording it over Christians.

3)  People who are involved in good works (Matthew 5:16).  Witnessing is not just matter of proclaiming.  It is also a matter of doing.  Jesus went around doing good and ministering to needs.  This is what helps build relationships so that you can share the gospel.

The Contrast Today.  People see churches that are self-absorbed and don’t have time for others.

4)  People who have a spirit of hope (1 Peter 3:15).  This hope is a confident assurance in God (Psalm 39:7), Christ (1 Corinthians 15:19), salvation (Romans 5:1-5), the Resurrection (Acts 23:6), eternal life (Titus 1:2), glory (Romans 5:2), and Christ’s return (Romans 8:22-25).

The Contrast Today.  When Christians face trials, they act like they have no hope at all.

5)  People who are striving to live holy lives (1 Peter 2:11-12).  Although God realizes His people will fall at times because of the weakness of the flesh (1 John 1:10), He demands that they strive to live holy lives (1 Timothy 4:12).  We cannot be perfect, but we should be consistent and different from those in the world.

The Contrast Today.  Unbelievers see professing Christians whose lifestyles are not a lot different from them.  Many people will never read the Bible or attend church.  The only gospel they will ever know is the witness of a holy life.

6)  People who have godly marriages and families (Ephesians 5:22-6:4). Paul says that our relationship in the home should be a living picture of  the kind of relationship Christ has with His church.

The Contrast Today.  Many Christian homes are falling apart just like the homes of unbelievers.  If a church has weak families, they will be a weak church.

The great Scottish Pastor, Robert Murry McCheyne, said, “It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus.”  A lot of churches today need to realize this witness is critical.