Back in 1987 homosexual activists laid out a six point strategy to radically change America’s perception of homosexual behavior.

  1. Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and often as possible.
  2. Portray gays as victims, not aggressive challengers.
  3. Give homosexual protectors a “just” cause.
  4. Make gays look good and make the victimizers look bad.
  5. Get corporate America and major foundations to financially support the homosexual cause.
  6. Redefine marriage (same sex marriage) and destroy traditional marriage.

Every sin is a perversion of God’s original design.  What God’s Word says about  marriage goes directly against the same sex marriage concept.

  1. The Reproductive Argument (Genesis 1)

God created the birds, fish, and other animals to reproduce “according to their kind.”  Any kind of cross-breeding was strictly forbidden (Leviticus 19:19).  Adam and Eve were designed to procreate (Genesis 1:28).  That’s why God created sexually distinct human beings.

  1. One Man/One Woman Argument (Matthew 19:4)

God established the first marriage.  He designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for life.

  1. The Complimentary Argument (Genesis 2:18)

God created Eve to be a suitable partner to Adam.  That’s why He made her different, not the same.  Because she was different, she could compliment him.

  1. The Analogy Argument (Ephesian 5:31-33)

Paul says that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His Church.  Marriage pictures the one flesh relationship as the spiritual union between Christ and His Bride, the Church.  There is no way same sex marriage can illustrate this.

  1. The Role Argument (Ephesians 5:2-25)

God made man and woman to have different roles.  When this is tried in a same sex relationship, where one takes a more dominant role, conflict is inevitable because one of the partners violates his or her God-ordained role.

Once again the issue of same sex marriage is before the United States Supreme Court.  If they make this the law of the land, it will have the same impact that Roe vs. Wade had on abortion.  We need to diligently pray that God will not allow that to happen.