There are a lot of things we can worry about today.  We can worry about…

  • The Economy.  Are we going to have enough money to meet our financial obligations?  Is my retirement account safe?
  • Relationships.  How do I resolve this conflict?  Is he going to like me?
  • Health.  What if I get a terrible disease?  Why can’t I do the things I use to do?
  • Safety.  Are we safe any place in America today?  I see innocent people being killed in schools, shopping malls, at work, and even in churches.

The Greek term for “worry” is a combination of two smaller words.  One word means “to divide.”  The other word means “mind.”  To worry is to have a divided mind that distracts us from things that are important and causes us to doubt God.  In chapter six of Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” He gives us six reasons why we should not worry.

  1. Because it is a sin.  Three times Jesus tells us “do not worry” (vv. 25a, 31a, 34a).  This is a command, not an option.  Worry is basically a lack of faith (v. 30b,) and “Whatever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23b).
  2. Because it is having wrong values.  Jesus says there are things in life more important than temporal and material things (v. 25).  Worrying about these things is having wrong values.
  3. Because it is forgetting our worth to God.  Jesus says that God provides for the birds and then He asks the question… “Are you not more valuable than they?” (v. 26)  A father always provides for his children because they are the most important people to him.
  4. Because it is a useless activity.  “Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” (v. 27)  In fact, worry will shorten your life, not add to it.
  5. Because it is forgetting God’s care.  Jesus uses the illustration of the lilies of the field in verses 28-32.  His point is… “If God takes care of the lilies, won’t He take care of you?”
  6. Because it is characteristic of an unbeliever, not a Christian (v. 32).  Most unbelievers live like God does not exist.  Christians cannot live like that.

The Prescription for Worry

  • Have the right priorities (v. 33).  Decide that God’s Kingdom and His righteousness are number one in your life.
  • Be patient (v. 34).  Learn to live one day at a time.
  • Pray instead of worrying (Philippians 6:7).  If you will pray instead of worrying, the peace of God will rule your life.
  • Trust the Lord and His promises (Isaiah 26:3-4).  When you trust Him and His word, you will have His perfect peace.