Revelation 2:1-7.  The Lord Jesus, in His message to the church at Ephesus, commends them for their orthodoxy in their beliefs and ministry (vv. 2-3, 6).  But, He condemns them when He says, “You have left your first love” (v. 4).  That is, they were orthodox, but it had become a dead orthodoxy in their relationship with the Lord.

Dead Orthodoxy is when a Christian is still true to the great doctrines of Christianity, but his relationship with Jesus has become mechanical, dormant, and routine.  This is when a Christian no longer has a growing, dynamic relationship with the Lord Jesus; he begins to take that relationship for granted; disciplines begin to be neglected (Bible study, prayer); and after a while he loses his love, joy, and excitement for the Lord.  This can easily happen to individual Christians, leaders in a church, and to a church as a whole.


What should Christians, leaders, or a church do if they find themselves caught up in dead orthodoxy?  Jesus tells us in verse 5.

·  Remember what your relationship was like when it was growing and dynamic.

·  Repent of what you have let it become.

·  Return to the disciplines that helped you grow in your relationship with Christ.


I am convinced that many Christians and churches are being crippled by dead orthodoxy.  If we don’t give attention and time to our number one relationship, nothing else matters.